Tubular Framing Systems Catalog (Version 3)


* This product is 100% free, but we only distribute one per customer.

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SKU: CAT_TFS Categories: ,
Weight: 0.01 KG

Tubular Framing Systems Catalog (Version 3)

This product is the complete, printed version of the Tubular Framing Systems Catalog (Version 3). It contains detailed information on a variety of Modular Assembly products, including dimensions, weight, material used, etc. Efficient categorization of products allow for easy navigation. Therefore, the reader can easily track down whichever product he wants to read about.

You should also be informed that all of our catalogs and even CAD files can be downloaded from our “Downloads” page. You can click here to have a look, or alternatively, you can buy the catalogs.

In conclusion, to browse more of our catalogs on sale, browse through our collection here.

*The price specified for this product also excludes VAT

To download 2D-DXF AutoCAD file: Not Available

To download 3D-SLDPRT Solidworks file: Not Available

To download 3D-STEP CAD file: Not Available

Item number: CAT_TFS

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